This Sunday March 9 is our Federal Conservative Nomination Voting Day!
This Sunday federal Conservative Party members in Edmonton Griesbach get to choose the candidate who will contest the upcoming federal election.
My team and I have been door-knocking and phone calling for a year and a half in the riding and we know folks are eager to get rid of the NDP MP whose party has kept Justin Trudeau’s minority Liberals in power too long.
Please come out to vote for me to be the official Conservative candidate.
As a Conservative Member of Parliament for six years, I’ve got the experience, know how and the large team to win this riding back from the NDP that we narrowly lost during the Covid election of 2021.
Voting is Sunday March 9 from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Norwood Canadian Legion, 11150 82 St. NW, near Commonwealth Stadium.
There will be short speeches at 12 noon.
If you’ve bought a federal Conservative membership from me, or in other ways, you will be on a voters list.
But bring some photo ID.
Before you come out to vote please let me and my team know that you plan to support us Sunday March 9.
Let us know we have your vote! Call or text me at (780) 935-5585 or email me at: [email protected]
If you need a ride reach out to let us know so we can work to set that up.
Remember the time change to Daylight Saving Time is this Sunday! So check that your clocks are accurate.
Thanks, my friends. See you this Sunday!
If you have any questions, please reach out.

Opinion Column
They’re billing it as an “affordability budget.” But with the latest bloated federal Liberal budget unveiled, the schoolyard expression “liar, liar, pants on fire” comes to mind.
When Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was campaigning in 2015, the member of Parliament for Montreal, Quebec’s Papineau riding made a solemn vow to Canadians.
While then-prime minister Stephen Harper promised Conservatives would have a balanced budget, Trudeau swore Liberals would run “tiny, modest” deficits of less than $10 billion for three years. He’d then balance the budget by 2019-2020, Trudeau promised.
Like so many of his promises, Trudeau reneged on that. He lied. (As it turns out, budgets don’t balance themselves.)
And the latest Liberal budget has blown to smithereens any promised to rein in spending. Liberals will run a whopping deficit of nearly $40 billion for this fiscal year.
You don’t need a degree in economics to know that continued, excessive government spending is fuelling inflation, making everything we need to buy — gas, groceries, consumer goods etc. — more expensive.
It’s much like continuing to rack up spending on your credit card and not even being able to pay the minimum balance. We all know how that will end. Badly.
This Beluga-like budget will see Trudeau’s government spend a head-spinning $480 billion in a single year. It including details on almost $52 billion in new spending.
Trudeau’s spending orgy is even getting heat from Liberals. Former Liberal Governor of the Bank of Canada David Dodge said he believes that this budget will be the worst since 1982.
And here’s a sobering fact: This year, Canada will spend $54.1 billion to service Trudeau’s debt. This is more money than the government is sending the provinces for health care.
Laughably, Trudeau’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland says her government is taking measures to cut back on spending.
Here’s one way Liberals boast they’ll do that. Canada’s 368,000 civil servant workforce will be trimmed by 5,000 members.
But wait for it … That will happen over the next four years … By attrition.
In other words, if someone retires or quits, they won’t be replaced. Wow. What restraint.
Because socialists love to tax us, there’s also $20 billion in new taxes detailed in this budget.
A Financial Post columnist summed up the budget this way:
“In what it bills as an ‘affordability budget,’ the federal government is spending oodles of money on housing, dental care, school lunches, pharmacare, Indigenous support, green subsidies and, of course, consultants’ fees and a padded public service.
“To finance all the new spending, it will issue still more bonds, which will push up interest rates even as the Bank of Canada tries to bring them down. Higher corporate and capital gains taxes will discourage the supply of goods and services to the market whether in housing starts or in food.
“Instead of improving affordability, the fiscal plan will impair it.”
Isn’t that just like the Liberals? Another promise made — and another promise broken — in one fell swoop.
Liar, liar pants on fire, indeed.
(Comments? Suggestions? Email me at [email protected])